
A pre-product

The redesign of natal chart generating top-view service for astrology, maintaining a first-person perspective on planetary aspects. Set by seven geometric colored signs of planetary alignments; aspect. For timing the positions of the aspects and living within measure of the solar systems form.

Horoscorpio the innovation, applies a new way to control your life. Breaking from the complex malpractice that is the pseudo-science of astrology, by which your fate may be known, usually for a small fee. What modern medicine and much cultural debate concerns is both a destiny, and the spirituality endowed by it, and it’s your destiny which is free. This life’s hope and dreams are made gloriously possible in the imagination, and sharing this among friends or family, even your entire civilization can be wondrous. The ability to share your mind freely without impositions by others is a liberty well sought and accessible in practice toward knowing, and learning, understanding and benefiting through trust, applying disciplines such as reasoning, and adherence to social etiquette.


If others seek to maliciously control you for gains, and often take as much as everything of value that’s yours, it’s blatant mis-use of your free destiny.


We can’t let the idea thrive which is that getting scammed or attacked somehow is by the cunning guile and deft hands. With a free destiny it’s we who are responsible for ourselves, and like any animal in the wild should protect our minds from impositions of a fate upon us, especially when fate is worse than death. While actually we aren’t shepherded through a dark valley by some all-mighty all-knowing power as historical allegory pertains, power harms with human hands; may it so be with strong armaments there’s a mentality in charge and with a destiny at heart which should respect and appreciate anothers’ well-being and not less than their own.


Choices are often made to act with or without anothers’ well-being, and free of competing binding fates.


Prosperity in the material world is such that when some gain others may lose, and thus if binding your fate to a cause will benefit others, they will do it to you, and they may maintain that it’s for your benefit, whether you know it or not (that is that in mis-education or else by direct force). This is the confusing matter where a fate-binder will overshadow your existing fate with their designer narrative. As they say if you get caught up with things, that fate will become your destiny.


If you’re bound to accept just what you deserve, it’s you who changes to make what you deserve be the best.


The human condition should not be understated. Free knowing isn’t realistic, and the hierarchy of learning rests on organic foundations and a complex network of fate-binders. BTW if you haven’t played Obsidian’s game Tyranny yet, it’s magic spell casting and creation UI is the best I’ve ever seen.

Back together again, and making America great too, through reference to solid determinism we can unbind much quagmire a fatebinder will cause us. Sharing and identifying common events is the hallmark of good living, and in celebration of course, so if you’ve been blanketed by a fate and it’s getting you down, the better destiny will attract you back. Horoscorpio enters the foray here, since it will literally add a bounty of native events to your daily life, which everyone on the planet shares as a single experience. It’s not necessary to talk about it, your experience that is, and to share your experience of a sample aspect that just aligned and co-constructed meaning in your life.


The measure has no importance outside it’s use.


Just as the number 6 means nothing unless on scale between 5 and 7 or in mathematical certainty a product of other numbers deeper within the scale of reference. 6 then is just a symbol, and a circular swivel, since a number without reference or application is free, and the free are unbound. Without application, the name, the very symbol itself is useless, without it’s meaning in application. Of a measure of zero-point alignments to the native geometrical form of orbits in which Earth spans through stellar orbit, you’ve the biggest reference knowable and that’s the most useful to share for mutual recognition since concentric motion is the name of the game. The ebbing and flowing planets of the solar system, as far out of the immediate gravitational pull on planet Earth, may still be known if effect, just ever so subtle indeed. More than easily known with Horoscorpio, made kid friendly in fact for the most innate experiential learning.


Development cost is still a hurtle in 2022, since original conception in 2011. Meanwhile original natal chart generator software can show the roughly determined alignments, as explained by this youtube video. As shown, the process is more like tuning a complex instrument, and to see the present weather within the solar system. Far though, so far from a weather system, since the measure of influence of planetary motion within the solar system, and including moons, is cloistered by the other instrument for measuring star cluster alignments with the sun. As shown and my voice over demonstrates, surprise actions within a very tight time-frame confuses the point as that the current alignments in the solar system also have a mathematical hierarchy. The biggest matter for fatebinding emerges within Horoscorpio yet, that is the quantification of the utility. The utility dependent on observational data, crunched by a series of algorythms and expressed in easy to read mathematical coordinates, this measure itself differs by perspective. If the Sidereal of Tropical scales’ used, the difference though consistent changes as if you were looking at the world through a long tube, where applied as the basis for difference.

So two sides of the perceptive divide, the inner and outer sides, seems a lot like the scenario in which any one of us is born from parents with different perspectives, shared in detail but not alignment. The system of Horoscorpio acts in a similar way as one’s parents hence, with two different basis’ where the scale is about permanently 1/12 off of measure. The kind which described by the sages will give you a different name as per place and time of birth, and thus a different destiny.

Can one person have two destiny’s?

I expect that a destiny is the total and permanent course of inevitability in one’s life. Thus one cannot have two that aren’t so intricately interwoven that distinguishing between one is nigh impossible. This makes the entire definitional set of fate and destiny.

| A fate; not necessarily inevitable, and tangible in basis, or mutable.

| Destiny; immutable and intangible for tangibility is that which may be changed and hence impermanent.

Herein lies the dilemma espoused as the potential for contradictory fates by interpreting the motion of the planets, and their formations herein measured and interpreted by Horoscorpio across the two essential references in Sidereal and Tropical ecliptic orbital scales. As each are still the same, the variation exists on evidentiality which removes compatibility, and thus as a dual system, each may be used to scrutinize each other. Operating both consecutively is the right course, but this is making the utility so much more useful, and much more difficult to manage. The video included now on youtube details a tool designed to assist this situation, which has become burdensome.

As shown the device is an adaption of the Natal Chart Generator for perpetual viewing of the present. The button which the main character hits as his leaving his house switches the display between sidereal and tropical measures. Such typical adjustment has been known as Day Light Savings on a 12:60 clock. In context of a system known from within (movement measured against local primary bodies), and known from the outside (movement measured against distant solar bodies), is the comparative standard for a life lived both inside and outside. As an individual essentially who has two primary domains, their home, and the rest of the world(s), the dual system is vital. This itself is only as contentious as a persons limitation of their home, to i.e. homeless, or tyrants right on point. The matter however is a clear and concise mandate to use the application with discipline.

With vital duality, one destiny isn’t realistic.